1. You are truly delusional.

  2. Not the wrong side. Just not your side.
  3. Doesn't have to be my side, your just usually wrong and a hypocrite.
  4. The biggest problem in American politics is that politicians get elected with money. It has caused them to put their party first, their corporate contributors second, the lobbyists they are hustling for donations third, and the constituents that elect them fourth . . . and with the good of the country coming in fifth.

    Priorities are all screwed up because we allow lobbyists and corporate contributions to influence elected officials. Let the special interests lobby and spend money on The People and we will tell our representatives what we want.
  5. We may not agree on some things. But this deserves a standing ovation. Unfortunately, it will never change.
  6. This is just crap. Money doesn't get someone elected.

    It's dumb people that don't actually research people running for office.
  7. You can't possibly be this naive.

  8. And racist. Don't forget racist.
  9. Wow that sounds like a response that would come from the far left. So you're saying the Barton apology is all right because Obama did it first. Wow talk about holding you're party leaders to a high standard. When did Obama become the measuring stick for the far right?
  10. I dont have a problem with that if you are..... doesn't affect me one way or the other.
    your not making any policies.