1. Andrew, officially I hate Ole Miss. :grin: ( it's a rivalry thing! )

    You seem like a good kid though. I live over in Batesville and know quite a few Ole MISS fans as you might expect. We may be taking some Ole Miss folks down to BR to the game, if the tickets come through. Anytime you want to go to a game you're welcome to go with us. As long as you keep the War whooping rebel hoddy toddy crap to a minimun. :dis: :grin:

    take care young man.

    PS. My wife works for several Ole MISs alumni, but she bleeds Purple and gold too. :rofl:

    South Panola tigers 7-0 hopefully headed for another 5A state Championship!
    Geaux SP Tigers!

    BTW gang the Leading rushers for South Panola, Derrick ( smoke ) Pegues and Ji-Micheal Sanford, say they are definately considering LSU. One of them says he WANTS to play in BR town. These two are war horses and would be a great addition to any college team.