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  1. I'll respond once to this and I'm done. I'm not going to clog up Brett's forum with this crap.

    In the history of short history of WEN, only 2 people have been banned - you are one of them, and it has a lot more to do with just flaming Auburn folks . .

    You know why you were banned, and so does everyone else.

    Sorry for the off topic thread Brett . .
  2. LSUTigah - Just curious why "go mess" with teh Aubies.

    All you do is make the rest of us look like douch bags.

    I dont go to Auburn boards because off all the crap they spew about LSU fans beating up their elderly and throwing full kegs at their baby carriages. And all the attacks against the people of Louisiana.

    Chuck and the other Auburn fan here are the few I have met that seem level headed and keep things in perspective.

    My point ? why go there if your only goal is to rip them or make the rest of us look bad...

    (I am sure you will flame me for this. Go ahead. Just my two cents)
  3. the reason for the back and forth insults between me and him was I call him out on this. Meaning he is making good LSU fans look bad. He got mad and then the personal Insults came. I defended myself, and keep my cool in the process and that seem to make him even more upset. I for one like posting with the Aubbies they talk good football and they don't spew alot of junk unless some one comes there and starts it. I don't post on I do all my posting on AUN.
  4. Okay . .I will post on this thread to say . .TL3 . .I'm glad you feel that way. . .I do think the aun folks like to chat college football with rival fans.

    Granted, we do have the occasional poster who will flame at first sight . .but every site has that issue.

    I, for one, see you as a valued rival member to AUN and thank you for your posting .. .
  5. I'll second that and the same goes for geauxscott.
  6. Thanks, buddy.......I love posting over on AUN and we are glad to have yall as regulars over here on TigerForums
  7. BTW, LSUtigah, we did decide to give you a second chance. Go to your recent post over there to see the "ground rules".
  8. I have only been to and was shocked. I have never gone to another Auburn board. However I dont know of this AUN.

    If everyone there is like the Auburn fans we got here I probably would stop in and read whats on the minds of the Auburn fans.

    I just dont see the point in going to rival boards and just starting crap.
    Unless your a 15 year old kid...
  9. is probably the most popular board, but it's a nuthouse (at least the free forum...don't know about the premium one).

    Come over and visit us at

    We love to have good discussion (and even some good natured "smack") with rival posters.

    Forgive the looks of the forum right now. We just moved to a new host and are in the process of fixing the custom colors and such. The old host was a nightmare of corrupted files and shoddy service.
  10. TexasTigers,

    AUN is a great board to visit if you like going to rival boards and seeing what rivals think. There is great football discussion, and like TT said some good natured football smack (wouldn't be fun without it).

    They need some good LSU fans over there, to help better LSU's reputation.....there have been some bad ones (LSUTi.....well nevermind, I won't point anyone out) that give LSU a bad rep.
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