1. Hello Ladies and Gents,

    Hows life treating yall. Its great here in Oxford , no complaints really , id like to say first of all, thanks to yall that remembered my mom is your prayers..her back is healing well and it should be fine.

    Next I would like to say this
    God have mercy on us saturday...because im pretty sure yall arent going to haha....

    I trust all of you are doing well , and I remember yall in my prayers and thoughts, I trust the weather is nice , the deer are moving , and the birds are singing in your neck of the woods

    oh , and on a seperate note , my cousin was wounded in combat in iraq the other day , its nothing serious , but if you could keep United States Marine Alex Morgan in your prayers, id be thankful, its just some metal in his leg , the surgery took it out..it didnt hit anything major , just a flesh wound as he said , he is in high spirits and ready to get back at em

    God bless the :usaflagwa

    and on every saturday but this one :geaux:
  2. Are you for real? People from Louisiana don't pray for people in Mississippi. Not when we are about to play OLD MISS! I don't care if your mom just got hit by an oversized trailer carting a mobile home during 5PM rush hour traffic on the 49.

    Just playing may god be w/your cuz until he gets out of that hellhole. Just think if Clinton got 4 more years (some how) he wouldn't be over there fighting right now. He would be @ home on Saturday drinking Natural Light king of beers in the South, watching the football game. Got to love the Natty Light.
  3. I cant understand how folks like dog become tiger fans. this is a throw back on humanity has to be. some sort of missing link maybe. who the f**k knows?
  4. Glad to hear your mom is feeling better and tell your cousin to keep his head down over there. We all appreciate what those guys are doing for all of us over there (even the dog).
    :usaflagwa :911: :usaflagwa
  5. I will pray happily pray for Alex.

    Why all the talk about firing your coach after the great season last year? Is this just rumors, or is his head really on the block?
  6. Andrew, all my best to your cousin and god bless him for serving our country, I will pray for him and all his fighting fellow soldiers (I do every Sunday)

    Welcome back Andrew. Tell your cousin, thank you and get better. Your mother to...
  7. First of all, this Marine and his buddies would kick sand in your face for discounting their everyday sacrifices and the danger they put themselves in on a regular basis.

    If we wait long enough we could just watch football and wait for the people who want to kill us and our way of life make their way to the U.S. again...
  8. dog when you have a red dot and you give me neg rep points, nothing happens. :dis: and don't private message me with that Bs i aint got time for you're drivel. pitiful get a job Puhleaseeee !
  9. Look BB I can say what ever the F I want about anyone I want. So, if I want to say that you sound like the type of person that has storage in your backyard full of can foods, gas lamps and water I can say that. You need to calm down B/4 you get dealt with. You need to stop thinking about Marines kicking sand and worry about your self. You are turning Andrews post into something it isn’t. If you want to talk politics take it to the free speech alley. This is neither the thread nor the time to spark an argument when Andrew is asking for prayers. Try to be more sensitive.

  10. #1 I am not your dog so when you say name you address me as olVENICEdog.
    #2 I may have given you 2 red dots in my life, if you want me to check I am sure I can find a hundred red dots that you have given me. So stop crying every time you get a red mark and deal w/it like a man, b/c I can't take the red dot back. Are you going to keep looking back or are you going to move forward?
    #3 I only send you a PM when you send me one so you know how to stop that.
    #4 I have a job, want to know what I do? I will tell you. I work on racecars. If you were nice for a change I could get you into the pits.
    #5 Stick to the main topic when you reply to someone’s post. Don't attack people personally when you find out that you got a red mark for some retarded rant that you made a few weeks ago. Why are you trying to ruin Andrews post, you better chill out old man b/4 you upset me.