1. You can get 'em. I don't keep the financial records, but they are public. File a FOI. You think I fell off the turnip truck yesterday? I don't commit malfeasance in a Superdome suite with security cameras.

    And I can explain the thing in St. Lucia with the consultant sub-contracts. The girls from I Felta Thi were doing very valuable consultant work in the field. I got documents and stuff.
  2. I was just curious about the trip to San Francisco and all of the requests for videos of Bravo programming.
  3. I like your logic but you don't seem to apply it to the other side. If something is so simple and not even an issue why not just release who's in it. Probably takes about 2 minutes to do.
  4. SOP for Edwin Edwards.....:D
  5. i dont care if the gov gets a suite. its a perk.

    however, it should be of record who the gift of using the suite goes to. (and that goes for any governor that would get it, no matter what party so this is not party politics.)

    i want to know if the gov is using it to line his own pockets, or as a tool to increase business in the state. and if its for hookers from vegas, im sure there is a certain congressman that is hoping for an invite.
  6. That's when the whores come in. Men laying their trick-money down. Twenty dollars to pay the rent? Maybe not. Maybe instead I'll spend it on the whore.
  7. Whores running around, doing their little behind-shake for the men folk...