1. Hey guys me n my bro are on our way to the game and we wanna make a sign for the gameday show any ideas for us?
  2. Revive the Peterson Windmill.

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VgMisnJe-ZU]LSU Patrick Peterson Windmill - YouTube[/ame]
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  3. The Peterson windmill is still the best of all time
  4. I don't know if anyone caught it but at GD for the Oregon game someone had a "Fear the Shoe" sign. I almost spit out woodford reserve when I saw that. Held back, its just too good.
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  5. Does anybody know what time you have to be near the game day set or how it works?
  6. I saw a "Free Jefferson" with a drawing of Jefferson behind bars. I thought that was hilarious. You could do a numerous things with their coach...

  7. Gameday goes on the air at 10am EST. They are on from 10-noon, then sporatically thru the day. I'm sure they'll do spots closer to LSU/WVU gametime, but their main show is early in the day. I saw them once a couple of years ago when Penn State played at Michigan State. If you are in the area, it's definitely worth stopping by. I assume it'll be crazy in Morgantown.
  8. I know what time game day is on, but Erin Andrew was just on ESPN with the area behind the set roped off for tomorrow and a good 100 people already there and tents set up so my question is is there a limit of people and cut off time to get there
  9. I don't think there is a limit, but it won't be easy to get close to the set if you get there late. My nephews and I got there before they went on air, and we were pretty far back, but still in range to hear and see what was going on. My nephew had a sign and it did get on air often. It's neat being a part of it, and seeing how the production happens. I'm wondering if Corso will have the cajones to put on the Tiger head?
  10. Gameday starts on ESPNU at 8amET/7amCT