1. where did i say that all rape victims turn into lesbos? I said being sexually abused can do that to someone, not that it happens everytime.
  2. im afraid martin was right and now im going to have to hate you too. you really have to learn how to think more like an adult even if its a struggle.
  3. What are you talking about? Masonic infiltration of the Catholic Church is a fact. Masons are in all kinds of organizations....not just the Church. In secular organizations I wouldn't even really call it an "infiltration". It's just that Catholics who join Freemasonry are automatically excommunicated.

    You cannot be both a good Catholic and a Freemason.

    Why does this information cause you to want to hate me? Also, in what way am I displaying juvenile thinking? Have you ever looked into what the history of Freemasonry is?
  4. In case someone asks for evidence:

    Catholic Answers
  5. yes ive read enough about em to know kooks speak of them all the time. they infiltrate everything and are as common as oxygen. you believe any form of conspiracy to entertain some sort of delusion I assume. Or it makes you feel smart. I dunno. truthers usually believe one or two things because they have no critical thinking skills. you seem to like them all.
  6. The Catholic Church doesn't really allow divorces, I thought. I think you have to get an annulment, which at some level is supposed to mean you were never actually married. I don't know, it gets complicated and stupid but the fact that a bunch of priests molested 14 yr old boys makes me more inclined to think they were homosexuals and not pedophiles....

    An ugly topic, no doubt. I'd rather discuss the Masonic infiltration of the church...it's much more interesting.

    You know that's where we get the superstiton about Friday the 13th....the French king rounded up all the Masons he could on that day and put them to death. It was also the cause of the Masons being hell bent on revenge which resulted in the French Revolution. Masons are behind all kind of political movements, etc. and they are always against the conservative, catholic order that was at one time so prevelant....
  7. So when some adult male deflowers your 14 year old daughter, you're going to think to yourself, "He's not a pedophile, he's just a heterosexual man"?..

    Call me Ray Charles then, 'cause I just don't see it.
  8. He is definitly not a pedophile. It is a clinical term with a definition. Sex with a 14 year old will not meet that. There are other terms that would apply to that situation, Hebephilia for early adolescence or ephebophilia for later adolescence. Pedophila deals with sexual sexual preference for prepubescent children.

    In the case of the sex abuse scandal the overwhelming majority of the cases were either hebephilia or ephebophilia, with the average age of the abused child being 14.

    flabengal's points are mostly valid.
  9. Pfft, semantics...I understand and acknowledge what you're saying, but my point is, a child is a child is a child is a child. There's no magic barrier that disappears the moment they go from 13 to 14 - hence my interpretation of the word. Apparently, I'm not alone.

    From M-W.com:
    Definition of PEDOPHILIA
    : sexual perversion in which children are the preferred sexual object

    From Dictionary.com:

    World English Dictionary
    paedophilia or pedophilia (ˌpiːdəʊˈfɪlɪə) [Click for IPA pronunciation guide]

    — n
    the condition of being sexually attracted to children

    From Reference.com:
    In law enforcement, the term "pedophile" is generally used to describe those accused or convicted of the sexual abuse of a minor (including both prepubescent children and adolescent minors younger than the local age of consent). An example of this use can be seen for example in the name of the United Kingdom police agency, the Paedophile Unit and in various forensic trainings manuals. Some researchers have described this usage as improper and suggested it can confound two separate types of offenders.

    In common usage, the term refers to any adult who is sexually attracted to children or who sexually abuses a child.



    FWIW Sooner, I agree that just because there's a few sicko's wearing the cloth doesn't mean they're all like that. As an agnostic, I don't have a dog in that hunt.
  10. True.

    Also true.

    All true.

    But the point has been made and a lot of evidence seems to point out that the celibate and often cloistered priesthood provides a place where a pedophile can operate alone in a position of authority and if caught will be forgiven and treated leniently by his employer and colleagues.

    I agree that the priesthood is made up mostly of good men and that there may be no more pedophiles there than with any other demographic group. The main objection is to the very poor job the Church has done about dealing with the issue. Protecting the priests instead of the victims has cost the Church $Billions and will not change until something fundamental changes in the priesthood.