1. if they are saying something, they are lying, unless they are talking about totally non-priesty topix like what they had for lunch. everything they tell you about jesus and forgiveness and the universe and whatever else, all lies.
  2. Everything. It's less than a tithe, the bargain of the year.

    Offering. It's an offering to The Lord Thy God.

    Do you not have a ranch in the heartlands, a waterfront mansion in New Orleans, LSU season tickets, a rainmaker husband, and a business that you can run in your flip-flops? Are you not the most popular poster on a major website? All these blessings for 1.5% off the competition. Direct deposit makes it easy and worry-free.

    The Church of Red has very low expenses and a high pass-through rate so you can be assured that your offering goes mostly to the diety, directly to his account where he can pick it up whenever he wishes.
    1 person likes this.
  3. before one of us descends into the depths of hell I vow to correct the deity Achilles hill of red.
  4. No, I meant the diety, it's one of my Holy titles. It means "watcher of calories" . . . expensive, you know.
  5. How about 8.5% alcohol content? That sounds like a decent beer to me. :yelwink2:
  6. Indeed it is. Odin demands no less.

  7. Ahh yes. A most appropriately named brew, indeed.