1. I have heard finbum on the radio when I travel in Alabama and his show is a joke he is a shock Joke for Sports radio. He gets to much press the guy is a joke period!! Actually Finbum is a graduate of Tenn and he loves slaming Bama and LSU for some reason he likes Auburn.
  2. I wonder if this Finebomb guy has ever even been in Tiger Stadium on a Saturday night. LSU should revoke his press pass so if he wants to cover the game he will have to buy a ticket and sit among the "gutteral fans."
  3. What a sorry excuse for a man. "school's [LSU] guttural fans..."

    There is some severe jealousy and deep seeded issues buried in what he wrote about LSU and us fans.

    Someone please clue this twit in that SATURDAY NIGHT IN DEATH VALLEY IS COLLEGE FOOTBALL!
  4. Look at the guy. He probably went to one LSU game in his life and got his ass kicked by a girl.
  5. Not worth of a response to him. Even Alabama fans hate him.

    He is the antithisis of foul journalism and agenda driven drivel.

    He is a worthless piece of crap.

  6. Bald version of Mr. Bean? What do you think?

    He looks like he's never played a lick of backyard football much less junior high or high school or college. What makes his opinion matter so much that he has a radio show?

    Bet Charles H. could take him out anyday on sports knowledge.
  7. Think Condon could whup him?:D
  8. I'll take Condon in the first round over Finebaum. Condon works out every day and he is in pretty good shape.