i always like the mich st quarterbacks for some reason and Im always wrong. i loved the crack smoking jeff smoker and i think he got released last year after his all-pro career. this year i feel the same for drew stanton. always have been impressed with this guy so he will likely be a bust. he is big and strong though and Id be glad to take a chance on him. where did he go in the draft?
F ESPN!! The F'ers dont respect LSU nor the SEC. They are the ones that made the nation believe 2003 was a split championship. They are the F'ers that have us ranked no. 10 next season while everyone has us as a favorite, 2nd mostly. God bless CBS and its contract with the SEC.
Damn Tirk, that's surprising. Stanton's like a bigger, stronger Quinn. A bit inaccurate, and folds like a tent. I can't say much though, because I always fall for the FSU d-linemen, despite the fact their LBs are typically the better players and make the d-line look better with their non-stop blitzing. NO! HOW DARE THEY NOT RESPECT US!?! :rofl:
Drew Stanton has now been placed on IR. He had some surgery done on his knee, and should by physically ready for the season. However, they said he will not have had enough practice time to play this season. Something seems off about that. http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070803/BLOG21/70803025/1049/SPORTS01
You do realize that ESPN broadcasts about two SEC games every Saturday night, yes? I underlined what I did because it's insane and paranoid.
i thought they reported a couple days ago that he was out for the year due to injury? i guess i should read the link. enough practice time? wtf