ESPN - LSU Pregame

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by j0nathanr0y, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    Can someone please help me to get in touch with ESPN in making the effort to show LSU's Pregame on TV! This would raise the spirits of thousands of fans around the nation. If someone can please find the right person to e-mail and hopefully I can get some Tiger faithful in helping me e-mail these guys and tell them how much it would mean to us.

    Please help me. :geauxtige
  2. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    I like the idea behind your thought but I doubt it will really raise peoples spirits around the country seeing us get drunk before a game
  3. BostonBengal

    BostonBengal Founding Member

    Did you search on I believe they have contact information available there.
  4. Berge

    Berge Founding Member

    If you are talking about for the AZ State game... The whole band is not going, so Pregame won't be performed.
  5. j0nathanr0y

    j0nathanr0y Founding Member

    Not getting drunk....I mean seeing the band take the field and play the pregame. It would give goosebumps to people who have lost everything!

    Please help me in making this a possibility. Help me contact ESPN. I feel the more people that request this, the better our chances will be.
  6. OkieTigerTK

    OkieTigerTK Tornado Alley

    It would raise mine. :hihi:
  7. geauxscott

    geauxscott Founding Member

    LSU will not be performing pregame to my knowledge....only 90 band members going.
  8. aztiger03

    aztiger03 Founding Member

    90 is better than 0

    the 90 that are making the trip will blow asu 's band away
  9. NoLimitMD

    NoLimitMD Founding Member

    ESPN is welcome to come to my house and watch my pre-game -- jambalaya, about 4 dozen beers, stomping around and talking chit with my Rottweiler.

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