run a few more commercials for the Rose Bowl!! Holy F'ing shnit!! I understand it's the only BCS game they have this year, but saturation is putting it mildly.o:
Well, just think if we were in the game. That'd be a helluva lot of publicity. I guess we can't have it both ways... but something tells me if LSU was in the Rose Bowl, we'd be lucky to see a commercial at 3:30 am that shows only a brief glimpse of anything LSU. :dis: :cry: In all seriousness though, it's always been that way. It's the grandaddy!
VERY disappointing post. The dots in the thread title really amped up the suspense, and I thought it was going to be some Earth-shattering idea.
Goldmember, I totally agree with you. In fact, I was just about to make a post about this same thing, before I saw yours. For the past week, everytime I watch ESPN, all I see is Rose Bowl commercials and comments about USC and Michigan. I swear if I didn't know anything about college football, I would thing USC and Michigan were playing for the national championship. But it's not surprising considering one of the teams is USC. I wouldn't expect anything else from the USC butt-kissers from ESPN.
The Rose Bowl is the only BCS game ESPN/ABC have. Fox has the rest. I can understand them promoting it, but at times it is overkill.
Did anyone see the Iowa players doing the upside down long horn signal after their TD. I love it, down with the Horns.:hihi:
Apparently that wasn't the only sign we used... this picture taken after Chandler's TD was called back...