1. More vacations........

    Pelosi's $10,000-a-Night Vacation
    I agree that the amount of money being spent here is ridiculous. That said, do you think John Boehner stays at the La Quinta without a security detail when he travels? Come on man, give me a break. We can go back and forth on this one.....i.e. Newt's half million dollar credit line at Tiffany's.

    Arguing with liberals is like arguing with a person who has Alzheimer's.

    Same could be said of Republicans.

    I am not a liberal, rather a registered Independent. It amazes me how much both sides like to accuse the other of being "Un-American" when in fact the only thing "Un-American" is walking into a voting booth and blindly voting for an R or a D.
  2. Dude, I accidentally hit the negative button instead of the positive button when trying to give you reputation for your excellent post. My apologies and I will give you double positive rep when the system will allow it.
  3. no problem Red