1. Still don't see your point. How is Obama responsible for all of this? Some of these numbers have been bad for decades and some are completely misleading. You complain about how many more low-income jobs there are now, but it is has been the Republicans who vote down attempts to raise the minimum wage.

    This is just a list that is all over the internet. Make a case for Obama being responsible for all of this and I'll debate you.
  2. Enlighten me. And please begin with Clinton first.

    It's easy to prove with Monkey ears since he's stupid/desperate enough to say it outright. All the while on his 4 mill vacation.
  3. Don't try to slip out of this. You made the statement suggesting that Obama and Clinton "engaged in class warfare and inciting riots". I called BS.

    So put up or shut up. Make your case. How exactly did Obama and Clinton do that? Examples please.
  4. Good luck with getting an explanation, Red. Facts are an inconvenience this group intends to neglect.
  5. Man you've missed the point by so much I don't even know where to start. Just as an example, I didn't say Clinton did, YOU did. You're the one slippin pal...been telling you that for a while.
  6. Yeah, cheap shots are easier than proving your point, for sure. :lol:
  7. So much knowledge for so short of an existence. You obviously know me well. :dis:

    Arguing with liberals is like arguing with a person who has Alzheimer's.

    I love you man. :grin:
  8. "Ninety-nine percent of all failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." -- George Washington Carver
  9. "I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse."--
    Florence Nightingale