Yet, Obama has no problem forking over $2 Billion to a Brazilian company that drills in 14,500 feet of water. Left Strangely Silent on Petrobras - Glenn Beck -
And yes it is true that this company wants to drill almost 3 times as deep as the Horizon did. And yes it is true that George Soros is heavily invested in the Brazilian oil company. Politics as usual.
Deserve the money? I thought our country was broke? Why are we giving billions to a profitable foreign company? And why for the express activity that the Obama administration says is dangerous - deep water drilling?
i am going to ask nicely, but only ask once. please stop using the c word. that is offensive and uncalled for. if i had not been on the road at the time i would have been the one to give you an infraction for it. you may make your arguments without name calling, and you seem to be going above and beyond to make it as offensive as possible. if you want to argue with people, go right ahead. but please do so without the name calling and vulgar terms. that is all i have to say and will not railroad this thread. now back to the topic.
yea back to the topic... Im against this ban because it doesn't make any sense, at this point rig owners are probably doing everything possible to ensure safety, because its in their best interest. They dont want to see their investment go down the drain and the parent companies dont want to see their stocks plummet. Now is the best time to drill and reaffirm or revamp safety measures.
this is why inspections of rig and records. if someone isnt following safety guidelines or has problems that are a serious compromise to safety, looking at shutting down rigs individually. put some teeth into the laws. but dont punish those that are doing things right. take things on a case by case basis, not on a sweeping generalization.
1. all of the safety measures failed! 2. they cannot stop plug the well! 3. the cleanup has been miserable! i was under the impression that much of # 1 and 2 were because of the depth and unvalidated technology used at that depth. was is the reason to have faith in those technologies now?
If that concern is important to Obama, why is he subsidizing a Brazilian company to do the same thing, only deeper?