1. The word is so inhumane, hurtful, classless, disgusting, vile, evil, hateful, etc. that no one should use it. Black people have been killed and that word is probably the last word that they heard before they died. I often drive past the big tree on the Talisheek highway where a black man was hung in the '50s...and I swear that I'm reminded of hell every time I pass there despite the pretty, bucolic scene.

    NO one, of any race, should use it under any circumstances.

    The fact that Black youths use it all the time screams out loud that they have absolutely no dignity at all...NONE. No wonder that the leading cause of death among the black youth of today is murder by other black youth.

    That word has so much evil power that it helps cause black people themselves to lower themselves to the same level as the Ku Klux Klan.

    Do you have any doubts now that this world belongs to Satan?
    1 person likes this.
  2. I hope "cracker" never gets that stigma.
  3. Seriously. What an ugly crawfish boil that would be.

    "Pass the crackers."

    "What'd you call me?!!"
  4. Dr. Laura wasnt forced out she quit, if she wanted to continue she could have, she has said alot worst in the past. Her free speech wasn't taken away, so she is just making excuses, free speech is a right, but it has societal consequences, those who deny this are just blind.

    In the context of her rant, she is definitely being stereotypical and pretty ignorant to boot. The lady that called in was looking for advice because of her family thats all that should have matter. Black people say the word to each other a lot, but what does that have to do with this lady? Nothing, Dr. Laura wrongly stereotyped this woman, just because black men say it to each other doesnt mean this woman uses the word and wants to here it said among her white relatives. Every case is different and Dr. Laura gave a stupid answer and opinion, if she believe she was right, why did she apologize?

    And those of you who say its just a word, thats complete nonsense, just because black people use it with each other, that doesnt make it right. The word carries a stigma and its a shame that we do use it, imo. Nobody here would go up to Glenn Dorsey, Shaq, Russell Shepard, Patrick Peterson and call them that, whether using it in a derogatory manner or as a friendly greeting. So cut the bullshyt tough guys.
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  5. So, basically you are saying we need to kill a few crackers and their babies.

  6. I'd say don't get him started but I think he is too smart to take the bait. At least I hope he is.:D
  7. MM knows I was kidding. Besides, it was a reference to a post on the previous page.
  8. I love crackers and baby crackers.
  9. i like oyster crackers.
  10. I watched a Chris Rock HBO special the other night and he used the N word at least 30 or 40 times. Maybe more. Both white and black members of the audience were laughing equally. When he said "There's black people and there's n*****s" its as true as if a white comedian said "There's white people and there's rednecks" Most black people are not n****s but they exist. Most white people are not rednecks but they do exist.