1. where I can find some honduey sausage. I've got a gamecock looking for some.
  2. Where are you

    Where are you located
  3. ......

    Shreveport, but I get south every now and then.
  4. YOU should

    Be able to get it at the market in Shreveport. But if you can't you can find some in surrounding towns south of Shreveport. Anywhere on I-10 will have it you should not have to much further than Ville Plate to get some if you can not find any.
  5. LaPlace has the Audouille Festival

    I know this because I went to High School at St. Charles in LaPlace
  6. ....

    hell I can get andouille sausage here. I was wondering what honduey sausage was. Thanks for the Info anyway. I can take care of this from here.
  7. Sorry Guy

    I just thought you could not spell
  8. That is what the man ask for. Ho well at least now I can help him out.
  9. It's the Gamecock who can't spell. Betcha 10 bucks he was looking for ondouille.