1. and will the party still be going on after the game?
  2. Actually, to be correct, I was there the last time the Tigers played in Dallas-January 2003 Cotton Bowl. :D
  3. I was there too and have painful memories of Roy Williams leading the comeback. Of course, that was his high water mark as any fan of the Cowboys will tell you.

    Will be in Jerry World for this one and hoping for a Tigers victory to start the season.
  4. I will be headed to Dallas this weekend with a few friends. We have some tickets to the Dallas Alumni tail gate thing. Looking forward to it. Plus dove hunting on Sunday.
  5. Shane's answer is better.
  6. Yep, it flew right by her. No big deal.
  7. I of course will be there. Since well I live here.
    Tailgating in Lot 4...
  8. Check me in. I'll be found on the TCU side due to the fact that the tickets came from a TCU alum.
  9. Good luck over there
  10. They will never invite me back.
    Pintoracer and KyleK like this.