1. Massey hasn't released his rankings on his site yet, but he aparently has us at 11th. That's rich. I know our schedule has sucked this year, but no way that much.
  2. V Tech may jump us this week once Arkansas bogs down our SOS some more.... I have a feeling we will be #5 going into the SECCG....
  3. I'm starting to get the feeling that it isn't going to matter much who ends up in 3rd 4th or 5th.

    Texas and USC will probably skate.

    I am also wondering which Miami players were in hock to their bookies.
  4. It's certainly possible, but I don't think it's likely. I've been wrong a lot lately, however.
  5. Here it is:
  6. sorry guys but if vt does jump us they wont stay there cause there not gonna win the acc.....yeah i said....bowden is gonna have the noles ready to play...and they still have a pretty good defense....so yeah go noles.
  7. Agree. I can't see Texas losing, barring injury to Vince Young.

    I don't think UCLA can score enough to keep up with the trojans.

    Bookies, who woulda thunk it ?:lol:
  8. Following the live chat w/Brad Edwards on ESPN.com right now....

  9. Just curious how does our schedule suck so bad we have beaten three teams on that list, no less then USC has beaten. Texas has beaten 1 that I can tell