Crawfish was right.

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Tigerskin, Jul 24, 2005.

  1. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    We spoke with Sexton about (oh my) Tubberville. The SEC sent Sexton a nice little memo stating that they were not fond of Tubberville coaching three different SEC teams in three years(TT was at AU for less than a year at the time)...

    That's when Jimmy Sexton started selling Nick Saban to LSU.......

    LSU never offered the job to TT. He showed more interest than LSU did....
  2. Contained Chaos

    Contained Chaos Don't we all?

    And easily one of the funniest. :)
  3. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    i dont understand what you mean. wasnt crawfish saying saban would stay? so crawfish was wrong, and the bashers of him (especially me) were right.

    how is right to claim to know something when you cant really know it?
  4. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    Did you read the article? Sexton said Saban was staying up until the Dolphins came down on the 24th. Crawfish was saying Saban was staying and then Crawfish got silent and said he wasn't so sure when "money bags" flew down. Many people took the stance because Saban left, Crawfish had no inside info and was full of BS. Craw made a mistake by not acknowledging , until the end, that people could change their minds. So if you criticized Craw for not truly having "inside info" then you were wrong. If you want to criticize him for "claiming to know something when you really can't know it"---well that is fair. My point of all this is the following. Whether it be recruiting, coaching searches, etc. there are some people out there that have more access to what is going on than most of us. Everyone is anonymous on these boards so we have to figure out who is full of it and who knows something. On the other hand it is often impossible to tell what these recruits, coaches, etc. will do when they themselves may not know. Just because the "final answer" may not be the correct answer, that doesn't mean that person is full of baloney.
  5. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    but he left. that makes crawfish wrong. we could have had sexson posting here and it wouldnt have helped us.

    i said all along that there is no way for us to separate the signal from the noise. and there isnt. the rumors have no real value, because even if you do have inside info, you could still be misleasing us, like crawfish was, by telling us saban was staying when he wasnt.

    of course, that is exactly what i said.

    and alot of good it did us. i am happy to listen to "inside information", i just realize it is often no better than random coin flips.
  6. MarineTiger

    MarineTiger Founding Member

    The article never said Saban was just said he wasn't sure
  7. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    A couple people, who I respect and usually seem to be on the ball with this kind of stuff, told me Saban made it clear to them that he was not leaving. I just repeated what he told a couple of his coworkers. The last trip WH made down to BR got him.... Nick Saban either lied to his coworkers or just changed his mind on Xmas eve or both... Does it matter? It's time to move on and kick a$$ with Miles....

    btw, I think Martin has a mancrush on me :hihi:
  8. Tigerskin

    Tigerskin Founding Member

    Points taken, Martin. Fair enough.
  9. Carface

    Carface What the...?

    I'm a little afriad now that Martin has ventured out of the Roundtable. Welcome to daylight, my friend.
  10. CParso

    CParso Founding Member

    So Crawfish was wrong because he said, "Saban is staying" instead of saying, "At this time, Saban thinks he is staying."???? That might be so. But if Saban himself said, "I'm staying." & didn't, yea he'd end up being wrong but that's not really the point - it's because he changed his mind. At that time, he gave an answer that was what he believed, that he would stay.

    I appreciate hearing Crawfish's inside info on Saban & cgisclair's info on Perrilloux. They aren't always right, but you never can be when dealing with people because even they don't know most of the time.

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