1. Screw auburn...scam will probably come back next year too. Not like he can make any more money in the NFL

  2. War eagle. Bring home the 7th SEC Crystal football, the 5th in a row, and make the SEC 7-0 in the BCS NC Game.

    Do not disappoint. Oregon must know its place: Firmly subordinate to the SEC.
  3. Sorry keep the national title in the sec..

    Question. Is Cams contract up with Auburn or will they renew his contract for another year. I have to assume the NFL will offer more money than Auburn and he will sign with an NFL team
  4. He said the Gators won it twice in the SECs current 4 year run.
  5. I heard the same thing...I thought he had goofed too.
  6. They will win the BCS and then we can say goodbye to Auburn, boys. Next year they lose Newton, Malzahn, and 24 seniors.
  7. you'll have to ask daddy newton. cam's never even heard of this strange system where you exchange paper for goods and services.
  8. I don't think he has a clue regardless... read into it what you will... he's an ignorant douche who doesn't know chit and ruins the enjoyment of watching football... i'm willing to bet he's down on the field right now asking to measure Cams johnson.
  9. If that's true, thank goodness.
  10. I hate to say it, but I think it is better to keep the SEC reign going. I've changed my view on this situation. I may change it again.

    Regardless, I think Auburn wins the game. Cam Newton is unstoppable.