1. You know I love you.
  2. Good luck fool. Let us know how it goes.

    Don't shoot yourself in the foot. That's all you need is another hole in your body that needs betadine poured over it.
    shane0911, diamondheadtiger and KyleK like this.
  3. They've been trying to pass this for some time. Getting legs.

    La. lawmakers push to legalize carrying concealed weapon without a permit

    Ryan Naquin

    The lawmakers want to change wording in the state statute to say "the right to keep and bear arms includes the right to carry a concealed handgun without a permit or license."

    The bill would allow non-felon Louisiana residents to carry a concealed weapon without a permit. Horton said her constituents asked her to file the bill over what they see as the possibility of more gun restrictions after high-profile shootings across the country.

    "I don't know how it would do any harm," Horton said. "The criminal element is going to be there. They're going to obtain the weapons illegally or legally."

    LSUTiga likes this.
  4. tirk, it's a funny thing how people, in general, don't have a problem knowing someone could be carrying a concealed weapon but if you walk around with one open-carrying they assume you're a wacko. Not that this is related to what you posted. On that note, I certainly wish they would pass it. I hate having to get the updated photo, sit through an all day class every 5 years, etc.
  5. Sounds good.

    I however am opposed to open carry. I don't think it makes you look like a whacko just sort of, idk, kind of silly I guess "hey look at me I'm cool I have a gun"

    I also think it opens the door for SO many things to go wrong. I think someone posted a link recently where a guy was OC and someone held him up and made off with his piece. Serves him right, bet he hides it next time.
  6. I suppose he wished he had a second gun concealed on him....
  7. Could be, I just generally think it jackastic to open carry unless you are in a uniform or your name is John effing Wayne.

    Just my .02
    Geezer Squid likes this.
  8. Police officers actually do carry a back up weapon. Well, many do.
  9. open carry just draws too much attention but also usually keeps muslims not islam from beheading anyone within a few square miles. i mean also islam.
    shane0911 likes this.
  10. Still not doing it