1. No kidding, but the Seniors on his first team were recruited by Stovall. Arnsparger was only here 3 years, meaning every freshman redshirted in Stovalls last year, were part of that great senior class in Archer's first year.
  2. How did Saban do with DiNardo's seniors?
  3. Saban won the Peach Bowl with the same team DiNardo managed to lose a school record 8 straight games.(including an embarassing home loss to Houston)
  4. Exactly. So why the Archer comparisons?
  5. since it seems like this thread has been hijacked, i havent read all (or even half) of the posts in it.

    the coach i was hoping lsu would get (among other tf posters) is del rio and second on my list was teevens.
  6. Don't get excited about a one loss season in his Miles' first year. He's having the same type of first year as Archer did. A previous coach's athletes are carrying this team. Lets see what he does with his own guys.
  7. Del Rio would have been a good hire, but we have Miles so I will support Miles like I would support anyone who is coaching my team. Especially one who is 8-1.
  8. Look at the progress this team has made since the early part of the season and tell me coaching doesn't get some credit. I don't care how good your players are, you cannot just turn them loose and expect them to play winning football. The 1st 2 games are testament to that. If you want to be skeptical and try to find a downside to the season, fine. You must be a hoot to hang with.
  9. The team has made a lot of progress, and the staff definitely deserves credit for that. I never said Miles wasn't the right coach. I never said he was. I'm not one of those "glass half empty or half full" guys either. I set let the water in the glass level off before making any judgements.
  10. Ummmmmm....Bullsh*t!