1. Then tree growers are idiots. If those dolts wanted money for marketing why didn't they just charge more for their trees? Why do they need the government managing how they price and market their trees?
  2. Increasing the price of a tree is not helping. Whenever the government decides to step in and "help" the free market, look out. Often it does just the opposite.
  3. It's useless to explain it to them. They believe the guy when he says "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help".
  4. Hey be nice to that lil pepper-bellied buddy of mine. (I never even realized was part Mexican until lately. You've been reaming him hard for it.)

    Then they need to look into artificial ones. Supply & Demand...most basic foundation of business.

  5. angry
    1 person likes this.
  6. [​IMG]
  7. no I Hate you?

  8. i please to aim.
  9. i'll cut my own tree. if the tree growers need the govt. to tax customers for "advertising". then they need to loose business. i'm tired of getting my ass taxed all the time while i work and pass the bums receiving my taxes sitting on the curb drinking beer and smoking weed all day. "tax less, work harder. tax more, why bother?"