1. I honestly never got a form this time. They did send me the highly intrusive American Community Survey last year. It was about 15-20 pages of crap. It even had the thing on the form like the irs forms telling me that it should take me about 45 min to complete it. Penalty for not responding to it: up to 5,000 bucks. I tossed it. They called several times, sent lots of follow ups and finally gave up.

    I was supposed to tell them how much money I make, how much everyone in the house makes, education level, amount of my mortgage, real estate taxes, whether I sold anything from my home, how many bedrooms, toilets, etc. Also wanted to know how much education we all had, whether anyone was disabled, what percent disabled, how many cars we have, etc., etc.

    Fug em!

    Take a gander at it and see if you would answer it.
  2. Good for you. Last year, I got a different multi-page intrusive questionnaire from some marketing firm. They sent me a letter telling me it was coming and that I would get $10 for filling it out, then they sent me the thick-ass form with hundreds of questions along with a crisp $10 bill, then they sent me at least three letters asking me when I was going to send the form back. I "left the gun, took the cannoli" so to speak.
  3. let them figure that out when the thing happens. when lots of kids show up for school, build a bigger building. when the subway is crowded, order more trains. when a street is dark, put up a light.

    i feel like the whole bit is a bit of an invasion. like your boy kyle says:

  4. the more I think about this, they ought to have different blocks for whites, too. At a minimum, Damn Yankee and Southern Boy.!
  5. You know you can get a DNA test and they can tell you, right? That's if she cares. If she doesn't really care, that's cool, too.
  6. 4 years ago I was Hispanic. This time I'm going to be Occidental.
  7. I too am worried about Guam tipping over. However, I think we can avoid this by making sure that people and development are evenly distributed across the Island, both lengthwise and widthwise. We must be very careful not to overpopulate the part that is only 7 miles wide or we risk putting a large dent in the middle of the Island. Further, I believe that this will require a stimulus investment and governement managment to make sure that it is done with appropriate levels of beuracracy.
  8. Can't believe no one has selected/wrote in WINNER for the Race question.
  9. you think the koreans, chinese and japanese like being lumped together?