I honestly never got a form this time. They did send me the highly intrusive
American Community Survey last year. It was about 15-20 pages of crap. It even had the thing on the form like the irs forms telling me that it should take me about 45 min to complete it. Penalty for not responding to it: up to 5,000 bucks. I tossed it. They called several times, sent lots of follow ups and finally gave up.
I was supposed to tell them how much money I make, how much everyone in the house makes, education level, amount of my morgage, real estate taxes, whether I sold anything from my home, how many bedrooms, toilets, etc. Also wanted to know how much education we all had, whether anyone was disabled, what percent disabled, how many cars we have, etc., etc.
Fug em!
Take a gander at it and see if you would answer it.
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