1. write "unknown" after other.
  2. To answer the original question. There is a financial penalty that can be inforced for not returning it.

    I also did a bit of research on the codified law to see what exactly they could ask and what I was required to answer, not that anything was overly intrusive, I just want to be informed.

    What I found out is that there is a misconception out there that we are only required to answer how many live in the residence. That is not true, we are required to answer everything on it, as long as the questions don't fall under certain areas, ie. religion, banking info., etc.

    If you really want to know, you can search google "Topeka" for what is actually required by you, per the statutes, and what they can legally ask you on the census.
    1 person likes this.
  3. then state that. i have no doubt that its not the first time they would have received that answer. and its the honest one. other>no idea.
  4. If they don't understand, they will call you. What would you say if they called? Unknown mix adopted?? If that is the case, put that.
  5. recently on npr they had a roundtable discussion about this topic, race and the census. some idiot will always take the politically correct stance that "race doesnt exist", which is obviously bollocks. and then they discuss how there are people like you who are either not comfortable identifying race or maybe they just are not sure. for the most part allowing people to self identify will be accurate, given how nebulous the whole thing is, how blurred the lines can become.

    i wish they would throw race out of the whole thing and just count. there are no decisions that the government or anyone needs to make based on racial makeup. that is racism, the bad kind, not the good kind.
  6. if definitely seems like a smarter choice to put unknown or other rather than leave it blank, which may increase the chances of some miserable oaf calling or coming by with inane questions.
  7. In general I agree, but there are always exceptions. It makes sense to allocate resources to detect and treat race-specific diseases like sickle-cell and Tay-Sachs to the people that they specifically affect and not squander it testing races that are not subject to it.
  8. i filled mine out. The race questions were retarded.

    The Questions on the Form - 2010 Census

    look at questions 8 and 9. Why is there a completely separate question for "what type of hispanic are you"? There is not a separate question for "what type of asian are you"?
  9. "Hispanics" complained. Puerto Ricans are citizens. They don't like being lumped with Mexicans, some of whom are illegal. Cubans don't want to be lumped with either one. Right on down the line.
  10. I tell you one thing, those idiots probably keep sending you ****.

    I get stuff from them every day. It all can't be important.

    I sent mine in hoping they would stop wasting money and sending me ****, but it keeps comin.