1. rainy day. sometimes you think something will cost X when it costs more. Example: War
  2. you are right but its not a relevant comparison. what were the rates that kennedy cut, 91% i think?

    youve gotta cut medicare, ss or dod to make any dent. do you really think its gonna happen? with the dems losing control of congress there is near zero chance that sec gates' dod slashing proposal will be adopted.

    and both parties are too scared of old people to do the right thing and cut some benefits.
  3. I say the same thing all the times. You can eliminate the entire department of education, a good idea btw, and not make a dent in the deficit. No real reform is possible without changes to the big 4, MC, MD, SS, and DOD.
  4. You have to start somewhere.
  5. Until you address entitlements and DOD you haven't started.
  6. Well they better do something because you youngsters are the ones being saddled with the debt. China's going to own you guys. Luckily for me (and Red) we'll be pushing up daisies.

    You can start by replacing every politician in Washington.
  7. But there are only other politicians to replace them with. Regular Joes cannot afford to run for office anymore. You either have to be independently wealthy or beholden to wealthy people and corporations . . . usually both.

    Those special interests that fund the campaigns, the ideological parties, and the lobbyists who influence policymakers instead of their constituents are the true bogeyman. Mr. Smith can no longer go to Washington.

    I have no idea how to break this cycle. Perhaps the British do it better. Campaigns are not allowed to go on for more than 16 weeks.
  8. It's you old farts that put us in this situation. I say cut all your SS now and pay down debt with it ;)
  9. Someone like O'Donnell in Delaware breaks through and people such as yourself vilify them,.
  10. that's because she's a loon.