1. Yet use used the exact theory that FSU played "SEC" teams....
  2. when discussing schedule strength, do you not mention who is on the schedule?
  3. Which is why I am now asking you for the 4th time to rank the conferences.
  4. You just reverting to wins and losses. So why not Liberty?

    You are refusing to talk about overall quality. Its a pitty party of "fairness". BooHoo.

  5. ok, so we rank the conferences.
    Alabama is now #1, right?

    no? why not?

    is it because they didn't win as many games as Michigan? what about Washington? Why are they behind Texas.
    unless you're telling me the Big Ten and Pac 12 are both better than the SEC.
    and they have the same record as Texas, so the Big 12 must also be better right?
    because you said rank the conferences FIRST.

    so if those 3 conferences aren't all better than the SEC, then that means something other than conference rank was used.

    pretty sure that's why we keep score in these games.

    because many years ago, the people who run the sport decided that what is now known as the Power 5 would be viewed and treated differently than what is now know as the Group of 5.

    I didn't make this rule.
    It was clearly stated way back in the old Bowl Alliance that pre-dated the BCS.

    no, I'm talking about results
  6. I apologize. You are too dumb for this conversation.
  7. ahhhh, don't have an answer revert to insults.
    didn't realize we were back in 4th grade. my bad meanie head.
  8. I dont have an answer? Bro, YOU refuse to answer which conference is stronger. So go eat glue or something I don't know what to tell you if you can't talk through this because you refuse to answer basic questions about how to evaluate a team's strength and quality.

    I outlined the process. You know, ranking conferences, then ranking wins, strength of schedule, losses etc. You know, you can assign values and such. But like i said, you are either too dumb to recognize this or refuse to answer because you are so biased you just want to throw shit around.

    No big deal.

    Obviously everyone on the committee disagrees with you.

  9. ok, I can agree with your rankings, except I would actually flip flop the Big 12 and Big Ten.
    Michigan's SoS is extremely close to Florida State's.

    Screen Shot 2023-12-04 at 2.58.06 PM.png

    so we ranked them.

    Alabama is in the SEC, the SEC is the best, so their champion is automatically #1.

    wait. no, that didn't happen.

    so apparently that's not the criteria the committee used.
    not only did it not happen but 2 teams with very similar schedule strengths with identical records were given polar opposite treatments.

    one was named the best team in the entire country (so far).
    the other was told "better luck next time, kid"

    want to know WHY?
  10. Bro is your critical thinking this low?

    Like I gave you multiple categories and your chud brain goes to HURRR DURRR SEC #1 UH WHY BAMA NO 1.......

    You know that loss you keep harping about, that is the reason Bama isnt Number 1. But because the SEC is so strong, winning it with 1 loss early in the season seems to matter yea?

    Its the same reason no one looks at Liberty. You know, because of their entire schedule....
