Big day in Starkville

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Mike in Memphis, Sep 13, 2011.

  1. Mike in Memphis

    Mike in Memphis Old Tiger

    Big day in Starkville –
    From the Jackson Clarion-Ledger:

  2. Ima Tiger

    Ima Tiger Veteran Member

    bah humbug

    They got a curb stomping coming.
  3. LSUDad

    LSUDad Veteran Member

    Big night for the Tigers........:tigereye:
  4. Mike in Memphis

    Mike in Memphis Old Tiger

    When you live and/or go to school in a town named Starkville, even a building groundbreaking is exciting.
    Remember, Skip always said it was the only away venue where he always insisted on a hotel room without a view.

  5. Ima Tiger

    Ima Tiger Veteran Member

    haha. I didn't know that. Good one!
  6. Miles Apart

    Miles Apart Veteran Member

    A thought a big day in Starkville was when residents went to the dentist to get their tooth cleaned.
  7. mach316

    mach316 Founding Member

  8. Rwilliams

    Rwilliams Veteran Member

    There will be more people in the stadium than teeth. Another thing, it's not Saturday so no baths, it's gonna be funky in there.
    You gotta watch out for the cheerleaders, when the cowbells start ringing, they will be running through the stands looking for the sweet feed.
  9. islstl

    islstl Playoff committee is a group of great football men Staff Member

    big day, horrific night

    oh the humanity
  10. gynojunkie

    gynojunkie "Pooties R Us"

    Q: What do you call a full set of teeth in Starkville?
    A: A town meeting at City Hall.

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