best fight song

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Auburn4LifPlaya, Jan 17, 2003.

  1. Auburn4LifPlaya

    Auburn4LifPlaya Freshman

    who has the best and worst fight song. one condition.... you cant pick LSU
  2. Tiger Trey

    Tiger Trey Founding Member

    Some of the best

    Aggie War Hymn
    Southern Cal
    Notre Dame

    Tigers Rock !!!
  3. TexasTigers

    TexasTigers Are You With Me ?

    Notre Dame

    I know it is corny, but those songs when heard just conjur up memories of November Afternoons, leaves are changing there is a chill in the air, and it is college football.

    Worst - Both UT (Tenn, and Texas)
    Tenn - mind numbing.
    Texas - Sounds like I've been working on the Railroad...

    A&M comes up second if their fight song is about beating one school. (Texas) talk about an inferiority complex...
  4. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Best -- Notre Dame (everybody recognizes it, no one else can say that)

    Worst -- Tennessee (Rocky Top 200 times a game)

    I must say, even though ineligible, I'm very fond of the sousaphone rendition of Hey Fightin' Tigers !
  5. TennesseeTiger

    TennesseeTiger Founding Member

    Well, if we can't pick LSU, then we're picking the "second-best fight song".

    Notre Dame, I suppose. But it's only because it's recognizable. As for Tennessee's "Rocky Top", it may be the most recognizable. The problem is, can a "fight song" really include information about where someone gets their corn? "Corn don't grow at all on Rocky Top...that's why everyone get's their corn from a jar..." Pardon the pun, but how CORNY is that? I will say that their band does a nice rendition of it, but the problem is, since I live here, I hear advertisements for CDs with a version of it that only the kid from "Deliverence" could love. I'd be embarrassed if I were a UT fan.

    There isn't a college band more original than LSU, though. If I hear one more college band play the Darth Vader music from Star Wars when their defense makes a stop, I'm going to puke. The "Chinese Bandits" music is great.
  6. BayouBengal

    BayouBengal Founding Member

    The Aggie War Hymn makes me dizzy with all the swaying. I went to Kyle Field years ago and it was dissorienting. I think Tenn does this also during "Rocky Top."
  7. Tiger Trey

    Tiger Trey Founding Member

    Whooops !!

    I forgot to include Michigan !!
  8. GeauxTigers

    GeauxTigers Founding Member

    One of the worst is Aggy War Hymn. Not because the tune is bad, it's catchy, but any school who's fight song is a focus on the rival school insted of focusing on their own......LAME

    "Goodbye to Texas University, goodbye to the Orange and the White...." then later..."saw Varsity's horns off...saw Varsity's horns off..."

    Aggy has a fixation with UT as bad as OU does.
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Actually, I've always liked Bama's. I don't know the words but the music just epitomizes Saturday afternoons in the fall.
  10. J_Oats

    J_Oats Founding Member

    Notre Dame
    In that order

    Just what TexasTigers said(I can't believe I'm agreeing with him) Michigan and Notre Dame conjure up the images of a fall afternoon, keith jackson on the TV

    I actually like Tennessee's Maybe it's cause I don't live down south anymore, but it gets you kinda hyped.

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