is that thing like a heavyweight belt, handed down to the next champion? or does every BCS champion get one? I hope the 2003 BCS Champion ball still resides somewhere on LSU's campus.
I couldn't imagine a new one is not made every year! I'm sure each team gets to keep and display that thing forever as a nice reminder of a sweet season!
I don't know for sure, but I WOULD THINK that they make a new one for each champion. Just because a new champion is crowned should not be reason enough to take away our trophy from last year .
Every team gets its own. What you saw last night was a generic version of this year's crystal ball and trophy. It goes off to the manufacturer for personalization (school name, year, etc.), then back to the school a few weeks from now. Don't know where LSU keeps last year's, but I don't believe it's open for public viewing. I'm sure someone who knows will chime in on this soon enough.
I keep it under my bed...every now and then my son and I take it out and toss it around the back yard. Man is that thing heavy. LSU's is in the Athletic Building. I'm not sure how accessable it is tho.
A new one is made every year, we have replica's displayed in a few different areas but the real one is locked up somewhere in the Athletic building I believe. The ball is worth 30'000 plus and we don't want to end up chumps like Florida State and have it stolen with no trace.(both of theirs were stolen)
LSUs crystal ball is on campus I cant remember what building it is in, but it is on display with a lot more LSU athletic memorabilia. They had the trophy next to the headset saban wore at last years sugar bowl. There was a small fee to enter the display.