The guy is on the BCS Selection show and says that the system was set up at the beginning of the year with the understanding that there were only two spots in the Orange Bowl and the formula would determine who would play for the NC. Therefore, it was his conclusion that the system worked. Last year, a similar scenario, and the BCS was viewed as a failure and the LSU was shafted from a whole NC. The BCS coordinator last year, Tranghese of the Big East, said on the same show that the system did not do what it was supposed to do when in fact it had done exactly that, picked the top two teams for the Sugar Bowl. I know Sour Grapes but the hypocrisy is amazing. :angry:
BCS cooridinators are politicians that have to change the subject when the negative comes up. I just can't believe that all university AD's are against a playoff...
No doubt. If anything there should be WAY more controversy this year as 3 teams did all they could possibly do, whereas last year 3 teams had 1 loss. The only difference? USC made the big game this year, and last year they did not. :dis: