Baton Rouge Crime

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by watson1880, May 16, 2019.

  1. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

  2. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Winston1 likes this.
  4. Bengal B

    Bengal B Founding Member

    Great idea. Teach then how to kill and give them startup money to launch a career as a drug dealer
  5. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    from an article i was just reading:

    "It has been a particularly violent start to the new year, with 16 homicides reported since Jan. 1 — more than one every other day — according to Advocate records.

    After 2020 made history as the most murderous year on record, January has already seen more homicides than during any other single month since at least 2008"

    the artile was about a crime they solved. a dude who shot another guy he was meeting. they do not know why they were meeting. seems possible it was to buy/sell drugs.

    again, weed buying is too fucking dangerous. my friend who smokes, he buy an ounce at a time. $300ish bucks. he trusts his dealer not to just kill him and keep the money and the weed. but you never know, its not like his dealer is made purely of honesty and would never consider punching my bud in his face and knocking his ass out cold and taking his money. they meet in the parking lot of a local drugstore in the mid-city area. the drugs come from a distribution place behind wal mart on college. dont hang out in that area, its too much money and drugs moving through there. i know you had no plans to hang out there.

    what if my amigo wants to buy two ounces, enough for 6 weeks for him. then he is spending 600+. thats getting up there where a desparate dealer might get violent. because he gets the 600, and to keep the weed that was worth 600!

    presumably when my friends dealer gets wholesale amounts, maybe he is selling 8 ounces one day, he is toting around $2500 bucks worth of weed, and some punk who knows his wholesaler might see him leave, and he might arrnge for one of his buds to follow him. its all terrifying.

    legalize that shit!
    Frogleg and kcal like this.
  6. Frogleg

    Frogleg Registered Best

    They should do transactions with crypto wallets on their smart phones. At least there's no hard cash.

    They could get a little fancy, make a smart contract. Maybe the funds are held in escrow 12 hrs or so. The buyer has to approve the release of funds. Obviously, he should do so when all is safe. He'd be playing with fire ripping off a dealer.

    (The contract can be set up where if he does not release it usually goes to a agreed upon 3rd party arbitrator to decide.)
    Bengal B likes this.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    now i also have a ruger ecs 9

    today i read in the paper "Three people are dead in Baton Rouge after two separate shootings and the discovery of a body in a trash can on Sunday,"

    3 dead just on sunday. incredible what is happening here. the black on black violence is such a slaughter, its mind blowing. media ignores it, with only th emost cursory news coverage. save the outrage for when one black dead man in a thousand was killed by a white cop
    Bengal B and Winston1 like this.
  9. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    So there we are on location in Baton Rouge. Im on the phone with my colleague who I'm on the way to pick up and I hear a bunch of yelling. I say dude, who is screaming at you. He says I don't know some guy yelling at me to call the police. I say oh okay, be there in a minute or two.

    Phome rings back and says "hey man, there are a couple guys with guns chasing the guy that was yelling at me" I said, oh thats cool, I'm strapped so not worried.

    Nothing happened
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    the stories in the advocate are like " body found in garbage on scenic highway, no further details at this time" ... "in other news some girl says a wide receiver took a photo of her butt in 2011, expect 900 more stories about this"
    shane0911 and Bengal B like this.

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