1. I'm guessing between 50-60 k
  2. I'm thinking 70,000.

    Mainly because of the reasons Red pointed out.
  3. does anybody know if they are goign to sell tickets on gameday due to people not able to attend?
  4. I say about 70k
  5. 90k+

  6. Doubt it very seriously, because there is no way they can know who is and is not coming.
  7. Maybe 50-60 thousand at most will actually attend this game on a work night.

    LSU could estimate this non-attendance figure and hold late General Admission Ticket Sales to make $$$. LSU could attempt to sell "General Admission by Section" tickets kinda like the airlines overbooking seats. This could be a little chaotic, but not if handled right. General admission ticket holders (by Section) would enter through special lines just 1/2 hour before kickoff, this being earlier announced over the radio to allow game regular attendees the chance to be seated. The Volunteer no-shows would never consent, so screw 'em if they're too dumb to help themselves to a part of gate receipts. Their visiting section will be nearly empty anyway from what I'm hearing.

    Up to as many as 30,000+ tickets at $33 each could fetch LSU a cool million, it's just an idea.
  8. I'm guessing around 176... I.. wait.. I thought you meant class attendence... nm...
  9. I'm going so at least 1.:thumb:

    I'm guessing 85,000

  10. Hehe... kinda like before the Oregon State game last season?

    80,000+ will make it, I think.