1. OH MY GOD! hahah

    almost anything anyone has to say about my posts, you reply to

    you even reply to what other people reply to with: "That is just clair for you"

    you have it all wrong

    but i am done for this thread... i refuse to argue a mute-point with you... it only makes me stupider

    you look at all my posts of the past month and find me all the ones you replied to...

  2. Stop being such a woman...... Log off the computer for a couple of hours and try to go get a piece of a$$ (not Ryan's ass)....You're surronded by college chicks. Your college days will be over before you know it and you're on here arguing with a guy named crawfish. wtf?

    sorry ladies...
  3. There is a line you don't cross when jeering an opponent...ridiculing his murdered father is WAY over that line.
  4. thank you
  5. Thats terrible to do stuff like that. It was like when the people had signs up bashing Jason Kidd like right in front and behind his wife. It was depressing that people are that tasteless. I will side with Crawfish in that it was 20 + years ago and I dont think the necessarily reflects the fans of now. That was a long time ago. Everyone has their fair share of loser fans that do stupid crap like that. I also agree with a previous post that said it is just a game. Absolutely right.

  6. :angry:
  7. Great, we're drunks, throwing urine on people, beating up old ladies, rocking motorcoaches, and now we're homophobic? Why didn't anyone tell me? I need to keep up.

    One must be a multitalented individual to be a Tiger fan.
  8. Who said anything about it being 4-5 people? The title was "The Arizona State Student Body", so my impression was that it was many, many fans, most of whom were probably in the student section.

    Crawfish, if you were 15 around 15 years ago, then we're approximately the same age, and you should be plenty old enough to know that defending such behaviour is ridiculous. Your comparison to calling someone a homosexual isn't even worth discussing...b/c it's really lame. You cannot write off this as something that young and/or drunk people do. It's not and shouldn't be. Cursing at people/players, yelling, throwing your beer...there's plenty of things that you can explain away by saying they were just young and drunk. But trying to inflict emotional pain on someone who's grieving his father's brutal murder is inhuman. If you didn't know better at 15, then you should be ashamed of yourself. And if you truly lose all respect for human life when you get drunk, I dare say you should never drink.

    The fact that it was in 1984 has no relevance. This article isn't saying that Arizona State fans are horrible people. It's discussing specific instances in history when fans did idiotic things.

    This instance is by far the most tasteless and shameful thing I've ever heard of happening at a sporting event (or most anything else for that matter). And to be honest, off the top of my head I can't think of anything that would be worse, besides inflicting physical harm.
  9. 1. It is of interest

    2. It was the cover story on MSN.com yesterday afternoon - it's not something I went and dug up for giggles

    3. Anyone who lumps an entire fanbase in with the deplorable few is an idiot. I make it a habit to ignore idiots as much as possible when I post something on the internet (CRAWFISH makes it tough)

    4. I am a sports nut and I spend rediculous amounts of time and energy following sports - I had never heard this story in any form. So I posted it

    5. We (LSU Fans) get a bad rep for things that never happened - this is a documented occurance and should be known

    Nothing more, nothing less. Those responsible are scumbags...
  10. Regardless of how long ago it happened, that is the wort, most tasteless display of sportsmanship that I have ever heard of. They coulda used one of those crowd-tasers I heard about on Walton & Johnson yesterday morning. F'ing disgusting.