Arizona State Scum

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by BB, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    he got me! :eek:
  2. saltyone

    saltyone So Mote It Be

    :angry: Nope
  3. uscpuke

    uscpuke Founding Member

    Once again Crawfish is correct.

    Will you jackholes lump yourself in with me if I decide to dress like a giant dildo and call the ASU football players some big scrumptious vaginas?? Or is it me being a total dip****?

    To lump all ASU fans in with a few idiots is itself idiotic. Welcome to the club.
  4. Mudvayne

    Mudvayne Founding Member

    I dont see where we lumped in all ASU fans together and talked about how they were horrible fans and people.....
  5. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    Glad to see you're back.....

    I thought maybe the men from troy kidnapped you...... :grin:
  6. clair

    clair Rockets

    Don't you know him by now?

    He is the know-all, Class-clown...

    He is in his fairy-tale, put thumbtacks on the teacher's desk little prankster mode, and can't EVER get into reality...

    Really do remind me of a 4th grader sometimes...

    -Lack of maturity
    -lack of a sense of reality
    -lack of feelings for others

    It may be the pot calling the kettle black, but I was probably the only one who would be right calling you out on this one
  7. clair

    clair Rockets

    Bur in the same breathe, it is WRONG to call out all of Zona St. for the actions of 4-5 people...

    Look at the actions of some on this thread... Do we all want people to think of us in the light that they shed?
  8. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    Out of jocks to sniff tonight?
    I can't believe how much that practice update upset you. Don't worry, RP will do much better tomorrow....
  9. clair

    clair Rockets

    Here we go again...

    Instead of attacking the subject, it is drawing attention to himself with his jokes...

    Yes, I am sure he will do better tomm... I doubt that he indeed did bad today
  10. crawfish

    crawfish Founding Member

    dude, check out what I quoted. Your entire post was about me, not the subject. Your obsessed with me.... I wonder if you're the kid campus police has been looking for. You know, the guy they're looking for was seen stalking the athlete's apt this past weekend...

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