Anyone hear from MarineTiger?

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Vincent4Heisman, Aug 30, 2005.

  1. Vincent4Heisman

    Vincent4Heisman Freshman

    I know he was staying, or thinking of staying...

    I was just wondering if he had contacted anyone somehow?
  2. VauntedTiger

    VauntedTiger Founding Member

    I know he was on the MS Gulf Coast when he last posted that he wasn't leaving after everyone tried to talk sense into him. He's likely OK, probably just without electricity or communications as everyone else over in Mississippi GC. There were numerous deaths reported, however, mostly due to storm surge like when Camille hit. That other poor guy in Happy Jack and his dog no doubt didn't make it. There is nothing left below a heavily damaged Jesuit Bend.

    Sad thing people don't listen and evacuate. I'll bet most people listen next time. Old MT will probably pop up in a week or two when power is restored.
  3. LSUGradin99

    LSUGradin99 I Bleedeth Purple 'N Gold

    This was his last post concerning the hurricane:

  4. Berge

    Berge Founding Member

    I'm fairly certain the old Metaire area did not get hit extremely hard by flooding depending on what area. It seems that in the Jeff Parish the further south you were, the better. My brother's house in old Metaire was completely untouched he said (He stayed because he is a fireman and was forced to).
  5. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    That's my understanding as well. I believe old Metaire is south of 1-10 and did not received as much water/flooding than those areas north of I-10, which is closer to the lake.

    When MarineTiger comes back (and he will), we need to congratulate him for surviving ... then hammer him for trying to ride it out! :thumb:
  6. tiger777

    tiger777 Founding Member

    yeah everything south of I-10 is pretty dry.
  7. VauntedTiger

    VauntedTiger Founding Member

    No doubt he survived if he was in Metairie. He's just one of thousands of refugees now chasing down food & fresh water.

    Who else beside Marine Tiger from the MS Gulf Coast & GNO area is missing from the board. There was Wingman down in Happy Jack. He's gone with the rest of that area. Anyone else?
  8. locoguano

    locoguano Founding Member

    I'd love to hear from Wingman.. hope he and everyone else made it through
  9. VauntedTiger

    VauntedTiger Founding Member

    Old Marine Tiger is probably OK. We all need to read him the riot act when he checks in next. Happy Jack & the other towns near the mouth of the River were annihilated, but there's always hope a few survived.
  10. MCab

    MCab Founding Member

    Check , and . Also check's forums. Old Metairie is dry, only a lot of fallen trees. His only concern now is looters, given that it is a very nice neighborhood and is very close to downtown (including the prison and some very bad areas).

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