1. Have you heard about the Aggie kamikaze pilot?
    He flew 22 missions.

    Two aggies are driving in a car when aggie 1 pulls over. "I think there's something wrong with my left turn signal, could you check it out?" he asks. "sure" aggie 2 replies. So aggie 2 goes around back to check it out. "Yeah, its working.... wait, no its not. Yeah, its working.... wait, no its not. Yeah....."

    An Aggie happens across a professor who is staring intently into an aquarium. The Aggie, says, "Professor, what are you doing?" The professor answers, "I'm attempting mental telepathy with this fish. You see, if my mind is stronger than theirs, I can control their thoughts. Umm, why don't you try it!" The Aggie, certain of his ability to successfully control the fish, stares into the tank for a few seconds. Then, all of the sudden, his eyes start bugging and his mouth makes a little 'o' shape like he's pushing water through his gills.

  2. An Aggie hit man tried to blow up his intended victims car but he kept burning his lips on the tailpipe.
  3. Hear about the Aggie woman who wanted to get pregnant but she blew it?
  4. Do you know why it takes Aggie fans two weeks to drive from College Station to Baton Rouge?

    At each rest stop along I-10 there are signs that read, "clean rest rooms". So they stop, take out their buckets and mops and clean them.
  5. Very very funny.:D :D :D :D
  6. This stranger from out-of-town walks into an Aggie bar. As soon as he enters, the place goes dead quiet as every eye watches the stranger approach the bar. The stranger sits at the bar and asks for a beer. The bartender says, "You're not from around here. What do you do for a living?" The stranger says, "I'm a taxidermist." "A taxidermists?", the bartender asks. "What is that?" The stranger explains, "I mount dead animals". The bartender relaxes and says to the rest of the Aggies, "It's alright boys, he's one of us."