1. then we should f'n bill the united nations. send them a f'n invoice. Why do we have to be Don Corleone and Luca Brazi at the same time? And not receive compensation for it? Don Corleone wouldn't stand for that ish.
  2. Since when do we care when a slaughter happens? The excuse that we are going in to help Libya for Humanitarian reasons is such a joke.
  3. Russia used to be involved all over the world in other countries affairs. Well they were the ussr then. After the breakup of the ussr, Russia has kept clear of spending their treasure on other people's problems. Maybe we should step back a little and get our own house in order. We have people here planing the downfall of America. I'm not saying being total isolationist just back off a little and try to pay some of our debt down. You don't go around donating money and buying a new pool or motorcycle when your housenote is two months late. That's what we as a country are doing. Let's get our house in order and let the world sort out some of their own problems for a while. We need to pick our fights a little better and stop giving away so much money. Just think of all the good things we could do at home if we kept from giving away so much of our treasure.
  4. Just wondering, who in congress would be a full fledged liberal to you?
  5. Dennis Kucinich, Marcy Kaptur.
  6. we care most of the time when the people are not black.
  7. Europe is doing it. Russia has no money.

    We are still the only Superpower. Nobody else has the logistics to go it alone.
  8. They ain't doing this willingly. Russia is flat broke and has few choices. They are not a Superpower.
  9. The U.S. is flat broke, too. Yet we're a Superpower.

    ....we'll see how long that lasts...
  10. Fourteen trillion in debt and still borrowing!