1. Just got a phone call. A former athlete at LSU alledgedly spotted Steve Spurrier getting off a private jet at Baton Rouge airport a couple hours ago. I can't prove it, nor do I know it to be fact. Came to me via another former athlete. Athlete A told Athlete B, then news gets to me.

    Also same person said Bertman made remark about visors being a hot item in BR this year.

    I know all the rumors going around.. just want to see if anyone else had anything at all on this.

    P.S. I saw the article in Jax paper re Spurrier staying at SC. :geaux:
  2. Incorrect.

    It was Nick Saban begging to get his job back.
  3. I bet my first years salary as an attorney that Spurrier will not sign with LSU.

  4. Is that because you'd donate your salary to get Spurrier to sign?
  5. No. But i would donate my salary to get Ferentz to sign.
  6. It's more likely that his first year's salary is going to pay off student loans.
  7. I think we'd all accept him....:champs:
  8. Don't worry, my first 3 or 4 years will be going to pay my loans off, I went to LSU as an out of state student with no scholarships... I go to a 'private' law school and pay 15k a semester.

    My loans will total about 150k after I graduate.

  9. I'll take that bet.....You better be careful what you wager against Spurrier
  10. I live in SC, and I'm confident that he is going no where.