1. I hear what you are saying, Red, but they usually give the details like "heart attack," "cancer," etc. Not that any of us are entitled to that information but the manner of death is usually more detailed other than "natural causes."
  2. Reportedly, Breitbart had long standing heart issues. Also, Breitbart was a Tulane graduate.
  3. I figured there had to be more to it. Like I said before, I recall commenting to my wife that he looked very sickly just a few weeks ago.

    I never agreed with the guys politics but I feel for his family. Didn't know he was a Tulane grad.
  4. Roll Green Wave!
  5. Outta here greenie!

  6. I hear ya, greenie.
  7. Ideas are definitely out there. He said that he was going to make sure that Obama was vetted this time around and that on March 1st he was going to start with some video footage of Obama and his radical buddies in college.

    Same day he died.
  8. There are lots of crazies. Someone is sure to blow that one sentence (that probably isn't even true) into a full blown conspiracy of how the OBamas arranged for whats his name to be clipped.
  9. Well, Obama is an assassin. I mean he killed Bin Laden, this fat f*ck should have been no problem.
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