1. Trump is irrelevant in the POTUS race to anyone with half a brain.
  2. It's going to be Trump/Toupee 2012. His hair is going to be his VP candidate.
  3. That could quite possibly be the dumbest thing you have ever said. You just can't see it because you are over there in right field with the rest of the coo-coos.
  4. How do you have any perspective way out there in leftist land?
  5. Tell us what you think, if you even know it. Stop trying to tell us how I think because you suck at it.

    Your obsession with trying to repackage everything I say is sad. Do you ever have an original thought?
  6. Well, that's half of us.
  7. The liberal half?
  8. Your thought process is flawed, like most left wingers.

  9. I respect your ability to pick out dumb statements since you are far and away the resident expert on dumb statements.
  10. You tell us about your thought processes, I'll tell you about mine.