1. Anyone know where I can get one of his cd's?
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  2. Try looking in any dumpster or trash recepticle.:hihi:
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  3. i live in baton rouge, i just wouldnt have any idea where to look for him at
  4. Reggie's is always a good place to start looking for any member of the football team.

  5. Send him a message on myspace. He's pretty good about answering his messages.
  6. Handicap parking spaces around campus.
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  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  8. Cmon LSU alum, give him a some credit and say you'll see him at Fred's, everybody knows Reggies got taken over years ago by 16 years old's with Fake Id's hahaha.