1. They did take another look at the hit and still decided the ejection was warranted though.
  2. Hell yeah, I'll be second declaring it an instant classic. @red55 Thanks for the laugh.
  3. A&M easily!
  4. Ohio St going for two early on vs. Bufalo. lmao
    ParadiseiNC likes this.
  5. How about the way Johnny Football showed his ass in this game. What a classless little punk.

    Cannot wait to see him get his dick knocked in the dirt this season during SEC play.
  6. This might be the one moment I cheer for someone from Alabama to absolutely fucking DRILL a qb.
    StaceyO, shane0911 and ParadiseiNC like this.
  7. I have no doubt Bama will want blood this year. Their defense will be looking to knock his head off. And unlike last year this one wont be a trap game against Bama.

    All the cocky bullcrap against a team you're destroying has to stop. I'm hoping he gets lit up multiple times this year and comes back down to earth.
    ParadiseiNC likes this.