Please start your new conference without LSU we accept this humble shame you've bestowed upon us and are deeply sorry.
I was using those teams as examples and Texas A&M isn't in the Big 12 anymore. Hell Arkansas left some pretty big rivalries when they joined as well. The point is, anyone who claims tradition as a reason for anything needs to take a look at the world of college football and kindly shut the fuck up, because tradition means jack shit.
Only to you. If the subject was marriage, you could personally make the same point. Doesn't make it right or allow you to speak for all. Florida is doing their darn-est to make you feel different, but just no mutual affection. Now Les has complained about their estranged partners to the point the home office has committed the Gators to not just the Bengals but now they have to deal with the Crimson Tide out of the West. Muschamp has got to feel jilted.
Our traditional rivalry is Tulane. But we don't play them annually anymore. Again tradition means shit.
Awe poor guy. I read your empathy in that statement. It is tough to have 1 more game to really prepare for. Kentucky, Vandy, or Mizzou certainly doesn't feel the pain.
That relationship should have never been consummated in the first place. It's hard to be compatible when only one has any assets, I mean recruits. .
The relationship was consummated long before assets or recruits mattered in college football. That was back when the Ivy League was still adding to their seemingly unapproachable record number of National Champions and two full decades before Bama "won" one or the start of Third Saturday in October. The rivalry was relevant and more heated then anything that you Gumps could even imagine despite what you think you know about a rivalry. That was until 1949 when LSU upset SEC Champion Tulane 21-0. That loss can be looked back at as the beginning of the end of Tulane football. At the time it served well in knocking them out of a Sugar Bowl birth and ruining their most legitimate chance at a championship. To that point and including it LSU and Tulane had met 39 times (ironically the exact same number of combined games that Bama had against Tennessee and Auburn combined) with LSU owning a slight advantage at 18-16-5. It was a relationship that LSU should have broken away from in the 60s, but hey you know traditions.