1. This country is doomed. Hopefully I will be dead before Rome falls.
  2. Keep doping. It'll happen.
  3. It'll happen anyway. Guess what. You're dead too.
  4. A good what?
  5. 10:00 am. Look who's up?
  6. I wake up at 6 a.m. douche.
  7. FIFY
  8. My first alarm is for 4:15 am and my backup is for 4:20 am. I have been at work for 30 minutes by 6:00am. It would be great to sleep late and not have to get up till 6:00 am. The hands get in at 6:00am so I get there at 5:30 to get the shop and office open. It's hard getting up that damn early but it pays the bills.
  9. pretty funny guy.