1. damn right grimace is a woman. and an alright woman from where i am standin
  2. [​IMG]

    Holy crap, vote for me or i will cut you in your sleep.
  3. You do realize someone has to get the nomination right? Who do you think gets it?
  4. I would bet my left nut that it's Rick Perry.

  5. I liked him a lot better before I found out he used to be one of those yelling fags over at atm. :confused:
  6. I like him even less after watching his performance at the Christian gig.
  7. That's what I think. But I like my left nut, I'm not betting it. Maybe my right one.

  8. You are really gumbo rue aren't you?

    Damnit, I thought we had ran that guy off.
  9. You give yourself way too much credit

    Don't like to hear opposing views?