1. https://www.google.com/gasearch?q=cpac convention end of democracy&tbm=&source=sh/x/gs/m2/5

    To rousing cheers at CPAC, this guy says out loud what we all know….the Republican party is no longer a Democratic Party and they do not want democracy in this country any more. They know 2020 wasn’t stolen, they know they cannot win national elections anymore because their platform, whatever it is, is out dated and nothing more than the remnants of a failed confederacy.

    what say you?
  2. Covid was the vehicle used to change election laws and processes across the country enabling more widespread ballot harvesting by the dems.

    really the only question going forward is the margin of victory…

    the smart money says kamala will get more popular ballots that ol Joe ….
    shane0911 likes this.
  3. And what are your thoughts on ending democracy? Are you too an advocate for that or not?

    some states altered their laws to accommodate voters during COVID. There is nothing illegal about that. States rights, remember?
  4. “ending democracy” may be a bit of hyperbole, but I am certainly not in favor of ending it :)
    I’m more concerned about those who, under the guise of saving our democracy, will go any length to swing the balance in their favor to save their version of democracy…

    and yes, states rights is/are foundational. No argument with me there…
  5. I believe you. I don’t believe that is the case with too many others though.

    I agree with this statement in principle but who do you think these people are?
  6. oh, they’re on the left and on the right…

    they are mostly political terrorists masquerading as electeds serving the people who are sold to the highest bidder or, likened to arms dealers who never pull a trigger, thus escaping culpability …

    is there a lot of difference between the extremism except rhetoric?
  7. Define democracy in your own words. Let’s start there.
  8. Nope, same system we’ve had for the last two hundred and something years. Yes or No?
  9. If you can’t define the terms in your own words, why did you post an article that can’t talk back with me? You asked us a question but refuse to set your own opinions.

    Funny enough that our “systems” have constantly changed.

    You know, which is why I asked you…. But I see you are just as clueless as always.

    Here is a clue, the United States was formed as a constitutional republic. Want to start there?
    the old picker, mctiger and shane0911 like this.
  10. Isn’t democracy essentially mob rules?