whole article about all the bad stuff lately in CFB...
me neither, sounds like he doesnt have the frame like tolliver does.
i think that was the case with vidal hazelton last year, or one factor in his delay. what is your connection with this kid? we need a nickname...
name? or you gonna leave me hanging like that man? lol
hey az, what is your RB situation like? i looked in spring and didnt see anybody besides practice squaders and like 2star recruits. they will...
ill be watching anything out of desperation
yep, missing tyrone moss and ryan moore will definitely hurt the canes in their opener. it seems like every year that game is sloppy(both the play...
wow, hes only 16? when is his bday?
myspace is ridiculous. theres two dudes who are being charged for rape in my area and the news channel went to their myspaces and showed comments...
what they should do is now show ads after the touchdown, PAT, and kickoff just make more of the stuff in game, instead of geico ads, just have...
my dad just painted his office purple. it looks pretty good, ceiling is still white. the room has a lot of LSU stuff.
whoever sed the FSU ticket office, ur exactly right. my parents are going(i have football) and before tickets fell into their laps, they were...
dont underestimate the loss of michael huff. michael griffin will have trouble getting it done on his own in the secondary. those two were a...
Sat, Sep 02 UAB Norman 6 PM TBS Sat, Sep 09 Washington Norman 2:30 PM ABC Sat, Sep 16 Oregon at Eugene,...
i always type in shorthand whenever possible and never do capitalizations. who gives a crap, were not writing essays here and if the word is...
haha great story
miami number 5...' oklahoma seems like the popular team to hump this year. haha, love the AP diss. i have really liked these rankings so...
JR was also pretty clutch in the ASU game. wow the memories...lol the DLine is possibly the hardest place to judge talent. look at how many NFL...
flynn had a great running back and oline performance in the peach...during the second half of the season, when JR "struggled" was also the same...