I am now dumber for having listened to her...plus that's 2:12 of my life I will never get back. Kind of reminded me of Carl "The Tooth" Williams...
Thanks for the prompt reply, Cali. I checked out the chapter, but their link appears to be broken.
I read the forum quite often and generally lay low... enjoying the wealth of wisdom and knowledge without posting. However, I am in need of...
The chances of Colt making that field goal attempt in to the wind were close to zero. The chances of a hail mary "working" also close to zero....
I was married October 27th of last year. I deemed it okay, as LSU had a bye week and it was not the opening weekend of deer season.
Geez...if that's the case gumborue just color me stupid :shock:
Color me crazy or bold, as I don't have many posts either, but I think the initial point has been lost. I believe lsu76 was stating that if we...
Another reason to love OSU. God Bless the Beavers!
First and foremost a victory with no injuries. Secondly I would like to see how the team handles adversity...should there be any. This would...
As our esteemed colleague stated I've never posted due to the wealth of knowledge on this site. With the likes of Grad, Clair, LSUTIGER 327,...